Thursday, October 29, 2009

A ride outside does wonders

With a senior's school workload, (albeit school of business is better than a few...ok most...other majors here), as well as two jobs, I enjoyed a treat on Monday when I had a three hour block to go for a ride...outside! In the daylight!

Did I go out for three hours? Nope. One.

And it was amazing! It dawned on me that when I track myself, I push my goals too far, and then stop tracking because I never hit the goals. So, for a change, I've started tracking data without setting's October. I know, it's a huge and mind-blowing revelation...

So, averaged ~83% of my LT, went for a nice, easy, beautiful, spin, hit one of my favorite hills, and came back rejuvenated. The long cold hours will come later on this season. Right now, it feels good to just ride while beginning to formulate a training plan for next year.

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